Centreon “log” table getting insanely huge

Hi there,

I’m currently migrating some old Centreons 2.5/2.6 with Nagios/NDO to Centreon 2.7 with Centreon-Engine/Centreon-broker but I’m experiencing some issues with insanely large MySQL tables to migrate:

This table contains old Nagios logs and according to a forum post it’s being use when clicking on Monitoring > Event logs and is used when doing reporting actions.
Fair enough, I don’t mind anyway of what happened last year, reporting is done on a monthly basis.

So let’s see what is the oldest entry there:

Sadly, it’s using unix timestamp and not MySQL datetime format, so we’ll have to do some conversion to get it humanely-readable.
To be honest, when I started the cleanup the oldest entry was even older.

I’m not sure if Centreon is supposed to clean this out. I guess it does, probably using one of the various cron jobs installed by Centreon but according to my experience this is highly borked and can surely lead to uncleaned entries.

Let’s validate we’re not going to delete bad entries by running a select first

Looks okay. Be sure to compare “ctime” and the converted date and play with the WHERE condition so you can be sure it’s really working properly.
For instance, if you swap “2016-06-08 00:00:00” with “2015-06-14 19:19:01” the last line should disappear.

Once you’ve confirmed your not deleting anything useful, go ahead with a DELETE statement:

I decided to use LIMIT here, to avoid loading too much the server for an unknown time. “time” command has been added here so you can have a measurement of the time required to delete 1 000 000 entries (52s here).

You can now recheck the oldest log you have now:

It seems it’ll be a long way to go before getting to june, 2016 😉

All in one command, so you just have too check your term when coming back from the coffee machine to see its progress:

When the loop keeps outputing the same date, it means DELETE is not removing anything anymore, time to hit ctrl+c !

Let’s have a look to the table size now:

Uh ?

Thanks to Google, it seems I need to run “OPTIMIZE TABLE” to reclaim the freed disk space. But there’re two thing I know about optimize and huge tables like this one:
* It will write lock the table
* It will last for ages (I mean up to *days*)

Let’s try to make this process a bit quicker… Ever heard about eatmydata ?
It’ll will disable fsync() system call, giving you some kind of write cache on steroids; drawbacks: you’re not protected anymore from file corruption in case of a crash.

For now, we’ll take the risk and hack mysql init script to run with eatmydata:

It’s pretty hard to figure out if the trick worked or not. Actually, it’ll set a LD_PRELOAD env variable to override libc calls with the unprotected ones.
Thanks to /proc, we can check this by looking at the mysqld PID attributes

(basically, I get /usr/sbin/mysql pid which is the main MySQL server process and check /proc//environ)

If it worked, you should find a line like this:

We can now run optimize on this table:

You can see it processing by running:

Now you will have to wait a couple of hours for the optimization to complete…

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